We did a project on Composting. Ms. Moran took us to the compost heap in the school and we helped put all the fruit and vegetable peels from all the classes in to it. Worms and flies will work at turning all this waste into lovely rich compost which we will use to grow fresh fruit and vegetables. We learned about what goes into a compost heap and what should be but in the rubbish bins. Watch out for our project which will be displayed in the lectern outside Dunleer Library in November!

We learned all about being safe when travelling in cars – Seat belt Sheriff has taught us how VITAL it is to buckle our seat belts and to use a booster seat (until we are 150 cm tall) even if we are only going on a short journey. We will remind everyone who travels to stay safe by saying to them:  “BUCKLE ‘EM UP SHERIFFS!”