Homework is an important part of your child’s work.
It serves several purposes:
- To reinforce what the child learns during the day.
- To provide a link between teacher and parent.
- To develop a child’s concentration skills and develop a work ethic.
- Homework provides an opportunity to practice work already done.
- Children are expected to do their homework to the best of their ability.
How often is homework given?
- Homework is given from Monday to Thursday.
- Sometimes at the discretion of the class teacher or the principal, children are given “homework off” as a treat or as an acknowledgment of some special occasion or during certain school closures.
Parents should try to help their children by:
- Ensuring that their child has a homework journal (Rang 1 – Rang 6) to record homework.
- Providing them with a suitable place and time to do their homework without interruptions or distractions (e.g. T.V., radio).
- Be positive, show interest, praise your child’s efforts.
- Setting the time for homework so that it becomes part of a routine.
- Children should do written homework themselves. Do not do any homework for your child. Helping your child with their homework is not the same as doing the homework for them. If your child comes into school with homework done correctly but not understood, this is of no benefit to them. In this case the teacher may be unaware of any difficulties. It is best to write a note in the journal saying they tried their best but they are experience problems.
- Homework should never be left until morning time before school.
How often should parents monitor homework?
- Parents should check and sign a child’s homework journal every evening.
- The pupil’s journal is an important record of the child’s homework. It is also a valuable means of communication between parents and teachers.
- Ideally, all written messages to your child’s teacher should be put in the homework journal (additional pages available at the end of the journal)
- Sign spelling tests if given.
Children going to learning support may have work to be signed separately. If your child attends learning support please check that they do the additional work and sign it if required.
School reports will be issued for every child at the end of the school year along with the calendar for the following year.