Formal instruction begins at 9.20am.
Pupils should not arrive before 9.10am.
At 9.10am the school bell will ring and children walk in through the gates, enter the school and go quietly to their classroom. Children are expected to remain in their seats and may chat quietly amongst each other.
Teachers and SNAs supervise classes.
Infants finish at 2.00pm and must be collected at this time. Please collect all infants at the gate of the infant yard.
All other pupils finish at 3.00pm and leave the school by either the front door or the door at the end of the building, depending on what classroom they are in.
The school takes no responsibility for children arriving before 9.10am or remaining on the school grounds after 3.00pm (2.00pm for infants).
Morning break: 11.00 a.m. – 11.10 a.m.
Lunch break: 12.45 p.m. – 1.15 p.m
On wet days children remain in their classrooms and are supervised by teachers, SNAs.