Image result for tulip clip art   Scoil Bhríde NewsletterImage result for tulip clip art

March 2017

Pupil of the Month and Special Commendation Awards

Image result for sports clip artSchool Sports

We really enjoy sports in Scoil Bhríde! The boys and girls from Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes have been taking part in lots of sporting events over the past number of weeks including; football, hurling and cross country running.

The boys and girls football teams played very well in their matches last Tuesday. Congratulations to Luke and Vicky from Sixth Class who will represent the school in the boys and girls football mini sevens challenge. Congratulations also to Robert from Fifth Class who will represent the school in the hurling mini sevens challenge. These events will take place in Darver in April.

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Class boys and girls took part in the Schools Cross Country Competition last Wednesday. Congratulations to Kayla and Brendan from Fourth Class who won medals in the competition.

Check out the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes class pages for photographs!


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We are now accepting new enrolments for September 2017 and September 2018.

flagGreen School Newsflag

We were extremely busy during Fairtrade Fortnight. This was a very important occasion for the school as it highlighted the plight of farmers and growers in less developed countries. Several projects on Global warming, sustainable development and a Trócaire project on Honduras were completed. Raffle tickets were sold continuously over the fortnight and a hamper containing Fairtrade produce was the prize. Pupils were encouraged to bring in chocolate containing the Fairtrade logo as a treat. The money raised will be sent to Trócaire.

We had our Day of Action on Friday the 10th of March. We had a visit from Louth County Council representative inspecting our green schools team to determine if we had been following the seven steps of our current green flag Global Citizenship – litter and waste. Our application was sent off the following week and we are expecting An Taisce to process this.

May we take this opportunity to thank all the pupils and parents for their cooperation and support. Regards, The Green Schools Committee.

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Please check out each class page for lots of class news and activities. The children have been busy with Maths, baking and Easter art activities as well as lots of other things!


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The school will close on Friday the 7th of April and reopen on Monday the 24th of April. We would like to wish all families a very Happy Easter!



Scoil Bhríde Newsletter March 2017