May 2016
Pupil of the Month and Special Commendation Awards
Junior Infants: Fionn, Maggie and Ellie
Senior Infants: Banica, Fatima and Erin
First Class: Erin, Hannah and Eleanor
Second Class: Eric, David and Laragh
Third Class: Kayla and Daniel
Third Class: Oisín, Saoirse and Mary
Fourth Class:Denis and Matthew
Fifth Class: Emma, Katie and Christopher
Sixth Class: Amy, Kyle and Tom
Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class have been taking part in yoga once a week. All the children have had so much fun! They all really enjoyed learning new breathing and poses.
The month of May is a very special month for Mary so we made a May Altar to say our prayers at every morning. Children from our class featured on the Rosary Relay on so we said our prayers with that video some mornings too.
Adam and Abbi represented our class on the Green Schools Committee when the judges from the Grow and Eco Tribes Awards came to talk to the children about the planting of the Thyme Keepers Garden. Mrs Moran said they did really well answering all the questions and she learned a lot from them.
This week we had very important Maths and English tests. Everyone tried their best. We got to visit the playground because of the lovely sunny weather. We all had great fun playing and climbing!
Congratulations to all the boys and girls in Second Class who made their First Holy Communion on the 14th of May.
A big congratulations also to all the boys and girls in Sixth Class who made their Confirmation on the 11th of May.
The school will hold its annual Cake Sale on Thursday the 16th of June in the school hall from 9.45 to 12.45. All are welcome! There will also be a raffle with lots of prizes that have been donated by the local community and competitions to ‘Guess the teddy’s name’ and ‘Guess how many sweets are in the jar’. Tickets for the raffle and competitions are on sale now and can be purchased by the children from their teachers. Tickets can also be purchased at the Cake Sale. We hope to see everyone there! Thank you for your continued support.
Sixth Class Graduation Mass will take place on Thursday the 23rd of June in the school hall at 7.30 p.m.
Go Green Dress Up Day
We are encouraging the children to ‘Go Green on June 13’ to support the Boys in Green! The children will be allowed to wear green jerseys or t-shirts instead of their regular school uniform on Monday the 13th of June. This is the day of the Ireland opening match against Sweden in Stade de France. All schools that participate will be entered into a draw to win free sports equipment for their school. The children will be asked to bring in €1 for this dress up day.
School Tours will take place for all classes during the month of June.
Third – Sixth Class Tour Information
Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes will be going to Crystal Maze on Wednesday the 8th of June. The bus will leave at 9 a.m. and be back at 3 p.m. The children must bring a change of clothes, a packed lunch and water to drink.
Greetings from the Green Schools team on a very hot and busy week, long may the good weather last! Our new Eco Tribes garden is starting to come into flower now and looks fantastic. Last year’s garden is looking more established and the yew tree is thriving. Both gardens are an asset to the school and the local community.
The judges from the Eco Tribes came to the school and questioned all the children involved . It was reassuring to hear very detailed answers and genuine enthusiasm for this huge project. The judges seemed very impressed as well. We hope all our hard work has paid off. We will be representing our school for the Grow and Eco Tribes Awards in mid June and we have our fingers crossed. Let us take this opportunity to thank Mrs Moran, our pupils, teachers, tidy towns and parents for all their hard work and contributions to this project.
Regards, The Green Schools Committee
Adam and Abbi (First Class) and Ryan and Neala (Second Class) received certificates from Mrs Moran for their great enthusiasm when speaking to the judges from the Grow and Eco Tribes Awards.
Well done to all the Super Savers that save with the Credit Union every week. The Credit Union have awarded special prizes in each class to the following children; Maggie (Junior Infants), Sophie (Senior Infants), Isobel (First Class), Ben (Second Class), Derek (Third Class), Oisín (Third Class), Katie Anne (Fourth Class), Jonny (Fifth Class) and Conor (Sixth Class).
Our bird was kidnapped!!!
Our bird for the Cake Sale raffle was kidnapped on Thursday morning! Everyone was very worried.
Mrs Moran go an email from the person that took him. They sent her this message:
If you solve some clues and agree to our demands below the bird will be returned unharmed.
Luckily enough, Junior and Senior Infants decided to see if they could solve the clues to find the missing bird. Everyone was hoping that they would! They managed to solve the clues and find the bird. We were all so relieved and also very happy that we had no homework on Thursday night!